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Eastside Meals on Wheels driver application form
Meals are delivered from 11:15-12:15 Monday-Friday. A typical route includes 5-10 stops. You are welcome to ride along on a route to learn more about the process. You will need to be a licensed driver and provide your own vehicle and insurance. **We do take a copy or photo of your driver's license and insurance card before you may deliver the first time.** As a driver you are free to invite a friend or family member to ride with you.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Phone number *
Email *
Home Address (e.g. 1234 Knockturn Alley, Metropolis, MN, 55418)
Are there certain days you would like to drive?
How did you hear about Eastside Meals on Wheels?
If there is anything else you think we should know, such as talents EMoW might be able to make use of, or a regular volunteer schedule, or anything else, please let us know here.
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